Monday, September 15, 2008

Through Liquid Brown Eyes

She's lovely, in her way, with her slicked-back dark hair and scars. She looks at me defiantly,her pain masked. Wondering who the heck I am. But God knows who I am and she'll know soon. If she even cares.......

It's hot out this morning, blazingly blue hot. Not a cloud in the sky, a perfect pure Sunday, you would think. That is until you step through the doors of the Juvenile Jail. It's not for wimpy folks. So what in the world am I doing here? I'm scared. I don't want to screw up. Jesus help me, I pray. Give me the words to say. You not me, certainly not me. I sit and wait to go back, and sit and wait. It's hard, that waiting time; praying done, nothing but nerves and a dry mouth left. Finally they call me back to Hotel, yes Hotel. That's what they call the young ladie's section. Far from luxury accomodations. Today as I wait for the guard to unlock the door, I watch as she goes to each cell to ask if anyone wants to have church. I guess that means me. Scary. There is one taker, one orange jumpsuit to greet me as I enter the dim, gray room. It's stinkin' cold in here and she pulls her arms inside her sleeves as she takes a seat in a chair in the back. I sit down beside her, taking the opportunity to have an intimate conversation instead of having to stand up front like a preacher that I'm not. She makes it easy for me, bless her, telling me she needs all the church she can get. I tell her this will not be like any church she has ever attended. It's just gonna be about Jesus. She looks at me kind of strange, but she's starting to listen. I pray, asking God to bless just about everything. I need help. She does too. So do these guards in here, with their guarded faces, never able to share. Then she begins to tell.

I never get over their stories. I tell them mine, but mine seems so lame compared to theirs. Her life is heartbreakingly sad. It's just got to get better. A life of emotional, physical and sexual abuse. She was left at 13 to fend for herself. Had a child and lost a child at 16. She pulls up her pants leg and shows me scars from bullet wounds, car wrecks and love gone wrong. She's 18 now, lucky not to be in the big house. She tells me she will get her life straightened out one day and do everything right and then get baptized. She says she heard about that in a church. Wait a minute, I tell her. Let me tell you about the Jesus I know. We talk about the Woman at Well.

About forgiveness. About grace, amazing grace. Before you know it, she's looking at me through liquid brown eyes, believing my story has a good ending and hers can too. There is hope. His name is Jesus.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Behind the Clouds

My mother died a year ago. Where is she now? I don't know. I wish I knew. Did I say enough? Did I say too much? Did the life I live mean anything to her? Or was it a stumbling block, full of mess-ups, causing her to wonder if I was living a lie.

I stood in the window of my sanctuary bedroom on that long ago August day, begging God for a sign. Crying out into the sky for His assurance that she would be waiting for me one day up there. Shouldn't I have known? I was her daughter. She loved me, didn't she? Wouldn't she have wanted me to know such a wonderful Friend? Was He there to meet her when she took her last breath and I wasn't there to see it?

As I looked out my window this week, I am humbled by the grace the Lord has given to me. He has forgiven me and allowed me to move on with my life. Yes, I'm incredibly broken, but it's good. It's changed me. He's changed me. And so I'm thankful for the terrible events that happened a year ago, because they caused me to run right into Him and it's awesome! These verses express how I feel and how I've been able to cope with the "not knowing":

"For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I

know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.

And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest

of these is love."

I Cor. 13:12-13(NKJV)

I have asked myself this question and I ask you now. When your family is grieving your death and your children look up into the sky and wonder if you're up there with Jesus,will you be there? Do they know it? Have you told them? Does your life as a Christ follower show it?